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Post  Super Thu 09 Aug 2012, 10:44 am

These are the following rules that will apply in-game on SuperScape. The rules are enforced in-game by the in-game staff, and myself. If you are punished for rule-breaking ingame, you may post an [Only admins are allowed to see this link] if you wish - this will be the ONLY place where you will discuss your case. In the end, I will have the final say, depending on the evidence you present me.

Punishments will depend on severity and extent of rule-breaking. However, the following punishments will apply:

- WARNINGS: You'll get these for minor things, and we don't 'keep track' of your warnings. Just a reminder not to continue breaking rules.
- JAIL: If you ignore our warnings, you'll be jailed for a short period (2 - 15 minutes).
- MUTE: Repeated rule-breaking and ignoring staff members will result in an account mute for between 30 minutes and 48 hours.
- IP-MUTE: If you evade a mute on an account and deliberately try to use another account, you could be IP-muted for double the period of the original account mute.
- BAN: For serious rule-breaking, usually repeated on several occasions.
- IP-BAN: Major bug abuse or frequent ban evasion will result in this, either temporarily or permanently.

  1. Do not abuse bugs or glitches - If you find a bug or glitch ingame, no matter how small, do not abuse it. Please report any bugs or glitches to me via the Forums at [Only admins are allowed to see this link] or via PM.
  2. Do not spam ingame (Auto Typers to 5+ Seconds) - You may use an auto typer ingame, but reduce the speed if asked and they should only be used for sales & clan advertisement. In addition, don't feel as if you can spam "sale" every 1 second since you're typing it manually - this still constitutes as spam.
  3. Do not advertise other active RSPS's ingame - Do not advertise another active (online and running) RSPS in-game; spamming an advertisement, referring another player to the server etc. will result in punishment.
  4. Do not scam other players (items or accounts) - Other players work hard to train their stats and make bank, and scamming is dealt with seriously. Scamming involves removing items/cash from a trade to trick the other player into believing they are receiving X amount of items, even though you have removed a portion of this, or deliberately misleading someone into thinking that an item is worth FAR more than it's true price.


  5. Do not excessively swear or flame - Swearing is fine in moderation, but try not to direct it at other players in order to cause offence. The same goes with flaming - joke around if you wish, but flaming by derogatory terms, racial/sexist/religiously motivated comments or hate speech intending to insult is prohibited.
  6. Do not farm PK Points - If you continually fight the same account with little risk for the sole purpose of obtaining PK Points, you will be punished and PKP reset. It's fine to hold a bunch of fun fights with givebacks against a friend, however if you're bringing no food, no armour or anything to fight properly, it will be assumed that you're PKP Farming.
  7. Do not use Autoclickers/Mouse Recorders - Using this software to unfairly train your skills is prohibited, as this allows you to gain an unfair advantage over other players.
  8. Do not ask for a Staff position - Do not ask in-game staff for a Staff position, or to be considered for a promotion. If you wish to become a moderator etc., then please post an application when this section of the forums are made available.
  9. Do not impersonate staff - If you pretend you are a staff member ingame by placing [Mod], [Admin] or [Owner] titles in front of your name, even as a joke, then you will be punished. This extends to usernames - please do not name yourself Mod ______ or I'll alter your name Very Happy.
  10. Do not evade punishment - If you have been muted or banned, do not aim to avoid this punishment. In the case of a mute, you will be free to talk in PM's and CC's, but do not use/create another account to use Public Chat. If you are banned, you will be allowed to use another account if you do not aim to break rules - if you do so, you will be IP-banned. When IP-banned, resetting your IP to get online again will result in your account being wiped.
  11. Please respect other players and act maturely - This is more of a guideline than a rule, however it would be great if everyone acted nicely so we didn't have to worry about the rules above! Respecting one another will allow our community to flourish and become stronger.
  12. Do not abuse your right to use Yell - Yell is used as a medium of communicating with the ENTIRE server, so if you wish to have a discussion with another player etc., please keep this to public/private or clan chat. That also means applying the other rules in Yell.


  1. Luring is allowed - You will be able to lure for the meantime as this is a part of PKing, and if you fall for it, then really... Rolling Eyes
  2. No 'rules' in PKing - Following on from luring, you will be allowed to do whatever you want whilst PKing if you follow the above rules. If you agree to a "Givebacks" fight and the other player steals your gear, then you will not have your items refunded UNLESS you provide evidence of the player stating it was a giveback fight, AND the items you lost so that files can be checked.
  3. Staff are NOT ACCOUNTABLE for refunding scammed items - Unless sufficient evidence is provided. For example, if scammed whilst dicing, you must provide picture (preferably video) evidence of the scam, otherwise it is difficult to punish the other player and return your items.
  4. You MAY request items to be returned (or a rollback) in the event of death during a server disconnection - A screenshot of your equipment/inventory would be helpful as there should be period of a few seconds lag in which there is time to hit the Print-Screen button, but if not, don't worry.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2012-08-07
Activity Points : 4376
Reputation : 0
Age : 111
Location : SuperScape

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